Franca Barbara Frittelli: My terrace

Firenze, 2010
oil on canvas
Dimensions: 48 x 45 cm / 19 x 18 inches
800 €
This work by Franca Barbara Frittelli is painted from the terrace in the artists home in Florence. The landscape was always lush.

Ken’s bronze statue
1600 €
The Arno river
1300 €
The water goddess in India
1600 €
Dawn on the sea
1900 €
Half-opened gate
1300 €
Careggi, August 18th,2007
500 €
Carnival in Venice
800 €
The mailman on the ferry boat
1100 €
Katchina Dolla
900 €
the Deposition
500 €
The street Sei Vie during a storm
1400 €
Portrait of Ken with long hair
700 €