Franca Barbara Frittelli: blue breasts

Firenze, 2001
oil on canvas
Dimensions: 50 x 65 cm / 20 x 26 inches
800 €
Franca Barbare Frittelli portrays a model with nude breasts; she was the model also of her husband Ken Tielkemeier in Florence. The girl’s strongest feature are the blue eyes.

Self portrait with hat
1900 €
Self portrait with plant
1100 €
flowers in a glass
1000 €
Moon on the Bay
1000 €
New York
1000 €
Portrait of Ken with short hair
800 €
the Circus
1600 €
800 €
The Saint
1000 €
the Cascine Park
800 €
Nude of florentine girl
1900 €
Otho with blue shirt
900 €