Privacy and Cookies


Collection & protection of your personal data

(Privacy Code - legislative decree 30th June 2003, No. 196 - Privacy Code)

The sending of any optional and voluntary email to the email addresses indicated on this site entails acquisition of the sender's email address, necessary for responding to requests, as well as any other data included in the email message.

The Data Controller, responsible for processing such personal data is Inghe Tielkemeier , whom users can contact to exercise their rights concerning their own personal data, for example, in order to verify its existence, content and accuracy and to request integrations, updates or deletion. No data is communicated to third parties, with the only exception coming from the need to send material requested by the customer that is supplied by third parties.


(Copyright Law - L. 22nd April 1941, No. 633 as amended by Legislative Decree 9th April 2003, No. 68 as transposition of Directive 2001/29/EEC on ‘Copyright and Related Rights in the Information Society’)

The content, materials and all information contained on this site are the exclusive property of Inghe Tielkemeier or are licensed to it. All rights are reserved.


All reasonable endeavours have been made by Inghe Tielkemeier to ensure that the information contained on this site is reliable, complete and updated. However, no responsibility is assumed for errors, inaccuracies or omissions in the content published. The content is provided for informational purposes only and is not binding with respect to the sale of goods and / or services. Furthermore, Inghe Tielkemeier eserves the right to change, at any time, and at its own discretion, the content of the site without prior notice.

Information about cookies

What are Cookies?

Cookies are packets of information sent by a website to the internet browser of visitors and automatically stored on their personal computers. On each subsequent access to the website, this data is automatically re-sent to the website server.

What are they used for?

In general, cookies are used to facilitate and speed up browsing performance, for example, in storing credentials for pages that require authentication by the user (only if the appropriate box has been checked), in playing media such as video and audio or in maintaining the browsing preferences of the user within a site. In some cases cookies are necessary for the performance of certain functions of a site, and if you block the use of cookies you may meet some problems in browsing the site. For this reason, it is recommended to configure your browser to accept cookies.

The cookies described above are denoted as “technical” as they are used exclusively for technical purposes, and their use does not require consent in accordance with Art. 122, Paragraph 1 of Legislative Decree No. 196/2003.

Types of cookies

There are two types of cookies:

  • First-party cookies - generated and only readable by the domain that you are visiting.
  • Third-party cookies - generated and readable by external domains from the one that you are visiting. These cookies may be present if the site contains elements such as sharing buttons provided by various social networks, maps or videos that reside on servers other than the one that issues the page you requested.

Cookies may also be:

  • Temporary - stored on your computer during a visit to a site and deleted when you exit the your internet browser or turn off your computer.
  • Persistent - stored on your computer until they are deleted manually via your internet browser.

What cookies do we use on this site?

On we use Google Analytics, a tool that allows us to monitor the way in which users visit web pages by detecting the type of device or browser used, time of access and URL address. The data collected for this purpose is anonymous and therefore cannot be associated with any individual user. We consult the statistics obtained from the collection of this data only to provide visitors with better content based on detected preferences. The cookies used by Google Analytics belong to the category of technical cookies, therefore they do not require consent from the user.

On this website we also use YouTube to host video content, therefore some associated cookies are also generated.

The user can disable the acceptance of cookies, including those of Google Analytics, by modifying internet browser settings.

How can I disable cookies?

Almost all web browsers automatically accept cookies by default, but they can be disabled via browser preferences.

Here are several links with instructions on how to disable cookies in some common browsers:

Unless your browser is set to disable cookies, your continued use of the site means that you consent to the use of associated cookies.