Franca Barbara Frittelli: bullfighters in Jaurez

Nuovo Messico ;USA, 1952
oil on canvas
Dimensions: 70 x 55 cm / 28 x 22 inches
2300 €
Franca Barbara Frittelli was fascinated by the bull fight she had seen for the first time in Juarez, Mexico and so she painted this scene of bull fighters in action.

The flood of ’66 in Florence
1200 €
Self portrait with hat
1900 €
2000 €
Bus in St.Marks square
1600 €
Half-opened gate
1300 €
The black sweater
1400 €
Ken's Studio
1600 €
Stormy sea
1300 €
Nude of florentine girl
1900 €
Girl with artichoke flowers
800 €
Portrait of Ken with long hair
700 €
American student
1600 €