Franca Barbara Frittelli: 34th St. subway station

New York, 1979
oil on canvas
Dimensions: 76 x 101 cm / 30 x 40 inches
1500 €
The painting by the artist Franca Barbara Frittelli portrays a man sleeping at a New York subway stop. The man is sitting leaning on a bench at the station.

The flood of ’66 in Florence
1200 €
St. Marks bus stop
1400 €
flowers in a glass
1000 €
Ken’s bronze statue
1600 €
Me in winter
500 €
The water goddess in India
1600 €
Nude and arm chair
1100 €
Seagull over the ferry
1600 €
Easter Monday procession
1900 €
Tuscan gate
1350 €
34th St. subway station
1500 €
1600 €