Franca Barbara Frittelli: Ken of the Ferry Boat

New York, 1998
oil on canvas
Dimensions: 76 x 71 cm / 30 x 24 inches
1200 €
The artist Franca Barbara Frittelli portrays her husband Ken Tielkemeier on the ferry going to Manhattan. In the background we see the Twin Towers and the Statue of Liberty.

Self portrait with hat
1900 €
The water goddess in India
1600 €
1300 €
Seagull over the ferry
1600 €
the flower vendor
800 €
Hotel where Rosai died in Ivrea
2100 €
David Amram composer
1200 €
figure dressed in black
800 €
the tree at my home
800 €
the Deposition
500 €
Passengers on the ferry boat
1000 €
Old lady at the coffee house
900 €