Franca Barbara Frittelli: Profile

New York, 1983
oil on canvas
Dimensions: 48 x 43 cm / 19 x 17 inches
700 €
The painter Franca Barbara Frittelli decides to paint the profile of a man seen in the New York subway. The man is black and has a long neck and wears a blu hat.

American T-Shirt
1500 €
Howard Avenue
1200 €
1400 €
self portrait with white t-shirt
1100 €
Borgo Pinti ( a name of a street in Florence)
1200 €
Half-opened gate
1300 €
Ferry boat at night
700 €
Ken upset
900 €
Ken of the Ferry Boat
1200 €
the tree at my home
800 €
the Street Sei Vie
1400 €
American student
1600 €