Franca Barbara Frittelli: Self portrait with red house and wall

Firenze, 1962
oil on canvas
Dimensions: 75 x 60 cm / 30 x 24 inches
1300 €
The painter Franca Barbara Frittelli portrays herself in the forefront with a bordeaux sweater. In the background a red house and wall.

Hotel where Rosai died in Ivrea
2100 €
self portrait with blue shirt
1500 €
Half-opened gate
1300 €
resting figure
1400 €
figure dressed in black
800 €
My terrace
800 €
Jellyfish at night
900 €
Policeman on the Ferry
900 €
Portrait with red moon
1000 €
Portrait of Ken with long hair
700 €
the steps of our garden
900 €
Guerrazzi street with the moon
1000 €